Treatment for this combination of drugs is going to be very similar to treatment for regular opiate addiction. The addition of cocaine into the mixture does not really affect the type of treatment that should be pursued. There are a couple of different options for this type of rehabilitation and the most popular one is to check into a drug rehab. This will generally include a few days in a detox unit followed by a few weeks of residential inpatient treatment. This is a good plan for anyone who is addicted to drugs in this manner and will generally produce the same or better outcomes as other forms of treatment. In other words, going to rehab is usually your best bet.
There are other forms of treatment and one of them is called ultra rapid detox. If you choose to do this then you will need to pay cash for the procedure as it is not covered by insurances yet. It is also quite expensive and there are some risks involved. It is an outpatient procedure and after you go through it you will be fully detoxed when it is over with. Most people have only minor or no withdrawal symptoms at all at this point. However, the cost is very high and if you use drugs again afterward then the entire procedure was wasted. Of course this is true of any treatment method, but it is especially noticeable if you have an outpatient procedure done that costs several thousand dollars and you manage completely reverse it in a mere instant by taking a drug.
Learn more about cocaine addiction and opiate addiction.