Most counselors for substance abuse treatment will recommend the detox treatment in Georgia quite emphatically if you visit them about options on addiction treatment programs in the state. The detox treatment in Georgia has always been regarded highly and it is certainly one of the surest ways to get a person back from an addiction. Here are some details on the detox treatment as it is conducted in Georgia.
What is Detox Treatment actually?
The detox treatment is a mode of treatment in which the person's body is cleansed from the substances that are accumulated in it completely. These substances are those that are collected in the body due to the addiction. They could be residues of the substance itself, such as in the case of alcohol, or they could be metabolic products that are produced within the body. Usually they are stored within the organs such as the liver and the kidneys and in the bloodstream. When the person is detoxified, the main intention is to remove all traces of the substance from these areas of the body.
How is Detox Treatment conducted in Georgia?
Georgia usually has an inpatient format for the detox treatment, though thee is outpatient treatment in many cases too. When the person is given an inpatient treatment, the first thing that is done is to isolate the patient from familiar surroundings. Then the patient is made to completely abstain from the substance. The abstinence will be quite alright in the beginning, but soon the patient will develop some withdrawal effects for staying away from the substance of addiction. Different people begin their withdrawals after different lengths of time. Normally, the detox should occur anywhere after one or two days of the beginning of the abstinence.
Once the withdrawal has begun, it is the job of the detox treatment providers to take care of the symptoms that go with it. This takes time too; the treatment providers will have to provide a proper medicinal therapy to take the patient out of the cravings for the substance. This is done by providing some kind of maintenance medication that will allay the urges for the substance as long as it is provided. For example, a patient who is entering for heroin addiction treatment in Georgia is provided a methadone treatment. Methadone is an opiate like heroin itself and as long as methadone is provided to the person, the craving for heroin is significantly reduced.
Also, since the patient will usually suffer from pains and aches and a lot of mental issues during the detox treatment, they are also provided a medication of antidepressants and painkillers. Together, purpose of all these forms of medication is to help the patient overcome the addiction as well as do it without undergoing the nasty withdrawal effects that are bound to occur.
How long does a Detox Treatment in Georgia last?
Most people want to know the duration of the detox treatment in Georgia before they begin. However, there is no such fixed duration. The length of the detox treatment will depend on how long the patient takes to come out of the withdrawal, which can depend on so many factors. The kind of substance the patient is addicted to, the length of time for which the patient has been using the substance and the frequency of use, all influence how long the detox treatment will be. Also, the patient's own condition and state of mind will be important deciding factors for the length of the detox treatment in Georgia.
What happens after the Detox Treatment in Georgia
Contrary to popular opinion, the detox treatment in Georgia is not the end of the addiction treatment program, but you might very well say that it is the start of the treatment program. This is because when a person is detoxified, it is the body of the person that is treated from the addiction; however, the addiction is still present within the mind of the person. It is the mind of the person that creates the repeated craving for the substance. For that reason, it is important that the temptation of the substance be removed from the person's mind.
That is why the patient is led into an aftercare program immediately after the detox treatment is over. This aftercare could be in an outpatient treatment format or in a residential treatment format; that would actually depend on the kind of addiction the patient is in. The length of this aftercare would also depend drastically on the length of the patient's addiction.